Thursday, July 06, 2006


As you can see, I have listed the many different nicknames I have been called throughout the years by Family, Friends, and many of you who are reading this.

So if there is a name on my list that you think should be there, please let me know and I will update it. Maybe even include the reason you call me that in the first place.

*New Addition*

"Pudgikins 3D"
Contributed by: Steve Searle


Jim said...

Uhhh...Dougie Lumpkins? You do know what a lumpkin is, don't you? said...

No. What is a Lumpkin?

Jim said...

I'll tell you about it sometime.

Douglas said...

Dougles Pickles and Ranch Dressing... That's possibly my favorite too.

Utah Auto Restoration said...


matthew said...

lumpkins is when you get head while taking a dump.

Steve said...

That's a blumpkin

Steve said...

That's a blumpkin

Unknown said...
