Thursday, October 16, 2008

Movin' Out!

I am wanting to move out like TODAY! I am SO SICK of my place and NEED to maintain my sanity some where else. So just wanted to throw that out there is case anyone had something in mind to help me.

Biggest issue, Cat. I have an indoor/outdoor Cat. His name is Toby and he doesn't require much, not even a kitty litter box. I love him so and do not want to have to get rid of him.. :(
I currently pay around $330 in rent including utilities which is great but considering the SMALL HOLE I live in, I am willing to pay more for an upgrade. Max is around $400. I know that's pushing it.. I have my own furniture and stuff like a small couch, Futon, dressers, Tables, Chairs and the like but that can go away via storage or a yard sale of some sorts if REALLY needed.

So there you have it. Any thoughts, ideas, possibilities, directions, etc... LET ME KNOW!

1 comment:

Lacey said...

wish I had something for ya...I still say the U institute board is your best bet!! Good Luck! Oh and if you are bored on Saturday you can come help us move some wouldn't let myself get that bored if I were you. :)